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The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) is the primary organization of synagogues practicing Conservative Judaism in North America. It closely works with the Rabbinical Assembly, the international body of Conservative Rabbis, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.[1]


The United Synagogue was founded in 1913 by Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schechter on the principle that through cooperation they could both develop and perpetuate Conservative Judaism.[2]

Role and Description[]

The USCJ has over 675 congregations as of 2009 (down from 850 in 1985). The USCJ works in the fields of Jewish education, youth activities, congregational standards and action and Israel affairs, and published the magazine United Synagogue Review.


The United Synagogue sponsors a youth group, United Synagogue Youth (USY). There are chapters all over the United States and Canada.

The USCJ sponsors KOACH, the organization for Conservative Judaism on college campuses.

The USCJ sponsors Project Reconnect. Project Reconnect seeks to reconnect alumni of USY, Atid, Koach, Nativ, the Conservative Yeshiva, Camp Ramah, the Solomon Schechter schools, the Leadership Training Fellowship, and other Conservative movement programs.

Project Reconnect's mission is to reinvolve, reinvigorate, and reconnect the very many Jewish adults who were touched by the Conservative movement's programs for teenagers, college students and young adults.

See also[]

External links[]

