February is the second month of the Gregorian, Julian, and Revised Julian calendars. The month is named after the Februa, a purification ritual in ancient Rome. It generally has twenty-eight days, except for leap years every four years (except when the year is evenly-divisible by 100 but not by 400).
- 01 — Saint Brigid's Day (Western Christian)
- 02 — Candlemas or the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Western Christian)
- 02 — Hypapante or the Meeting in the Temple (New Calendarist Eastern Christian)
- 02 — Imbolc (Pagan)
- 03 — Setsubun (Japanese spring festival).
- 06 (25 Magh) — Mela Kottha Sahib (Sikh).
- 08 (27 Magh) — Sikh Great Holocaust (Sikh).
- 11 (30 Magh) — Parkash Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji (Sikh).
- 12 (30 January Julian) — Feast of the Three Great Hierarchs (Old Calendarist Eastern Christian).
- 14 — Saint Valentine's Day (Western Christian)
- 15 (2 February Julian) — Hypapante or the Meeting in the Temple (Old Calendarist Eastern Christian)
- 21 (10 Phagun) — Saka Nankana Sahib and Jaito Morcha (Sikh).
- 26 (1 Ayyám-i-Há) — First day of Ayyám-i-Há (Bahá'í)
- 26 — Savior's Day (Nation of Islam): commemoration of the birthday of Wallace Fard Muhammad.
Preceded by: January
Followed by: March