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Luther's Seal

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Deutsche Messe, or The German Mass, (Deutsche Messe und Ordnung des Gottesdiensts) was published by Martin Luther in 1526. It followed his Latin mass, Formula missae (1523). Both of these masses were ment only as a suggestion made on request and were not expected to be used exactly as they were, but could be altered. The function of the mass, according to Luther, is to make people hear the word.

The German Mass was completely chanted, except for the sermon.

It should not be confused with Schubert's Deutsche Volksmesse, a low mass widely known in Richard Proulx's English adaptation as the German Mass.

Parts of the Deutsche Messe[]

A Spiritual Song or a Psalm in German
Kyrie Eleison (three times)
Collect (read facing the altar)
Epistle (sung facing the people)
A German Hymn (by the whole choir)
Gospel (read facing the people)
Creed sung in German
Sermon (on the Gospel)
Paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer
Exhortation to Those Who Will Commune
Consecration of the Bread
Elevation of the Body of Christ
Distribution of the Body of Christ
Sanctus paraphrased in German (or the Hymn "Gott sei Gelobet" or Huss' Hymn "Jesus Christus unser Heiland")
Consecration of the Wine
Distribution of the Blood of Christ
Sanctus or Agnus Dei in German (or the Hymn "Gott sei Gelobet" or Huss' Hymn "Jesus Christus unser Heiland")
Thanksgiving Collect
Aaronic Benediction

External links[]
