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The Cosmic Self' var. Paramatman from the root word BRH: big, enlarged, gross, high. [1]

Brahman describes a state of consciousness beyond time and space, in which being (sath), consciousness (chit) and bliss (ananda) merge to become One. The Katha Upanishad [1] states that Brahman can be realised only in this life or in the highest spiritual realm. In none of the other spiritual reasons can reality be apprehended. Therefore, man has to seize the opportunity in this lifetime to work towards this goal, since failng to do so would mean returning to the cycle of birth and death.

Brahman is the basic truth of the Universe which includes the One Self. To discover this truth, the classic texts have laid down two codes:

  1. Nishkama karma: This is the practice of engaging in activities as a dedication of worship; the fruits of action (karma) are surrendered. The doer is not attached to the outcomes of the action. Action is done for the sake of the action.
  1. Dhyana This is the practice of meditating on the splendour of that, which one is but a spark. Karma has to be regulated by Dharma; then only will Dhyana lead to Brahman.

Notes and references[]

  1. Leela Kaivalya Vahini, p 141
